Reaching those - who would be lost in His Name to be Priest of the Lord...Isaiah 6:16

Our main purpose is to Reconcile all people to knowledge of the gift of grace and power of God in todays world for their individual lives. We will have a discipleship teaching orientation for Pastors, leaders and believers of all ages with a special focus on areas that do not get many well-known speakers including widows and orphan. Today’s calling seems to be Africa, but the Lord recent spoke to our hearts to think bigger…His is a WORLD WIDE OPERATION- and He will not lose what He died for---His people- You

Tuesday, March 31, 2015

Miracle Fruit In The Field

Miracle Fruit In The Field

John the Baptist was in prison about to be killed.  He had seen Jesus and baptized his own cousin in the Jordan River.  The Holy Spirit had descended as a dove And JOHN had heard the voice of ELOHIM speak from Heaven saying this Jesus WAS  HIS Beloved Son!

As John faced emotional and spiritual battles in his life, he asked hard questions sending his friends to Jesus to ask if Jesus WAS the Annointed Messiah or IF we need look for another.

Many times we also face the same questions in OUR lives. IS this what WE heard and saw?

Like Jesus answered John, "GO TELL John- the sick are Healed,  demons are Cast out,  And The DEAF HEAR"

Loving the Majesty Ministries can report Miracle Fruit AT THE questions in OUR ministry.  TO DATE WE HAVE SEEN AND HEARD The anointing of fruit from our teams labor: 2 demonic deliverance manifestations, one pastor came to the conference DEAF and left being able to HEAR;  2 men where saved in one streets crusades in Bukasa;  6 people were saved in another street crusade in Nairobi Luck Summer area;
TWO pastors disputing land ownership in a remote village where no other white people had ever visited repented and forgiveness healed the relationship bringing peace there and solution to the dispute;  others were delivered,  healed,  saved, Encouraged to stay in the pastors ministry, and taught the truth replacing darkness. People learned to become Givers, tithing,  and Having Faith IN God  bring light and hope to several thousand people in deep poverty.

What I am about to write is NOT IN Any way a complaint.  NEITHER IS IT AN APPEAL FOR YOUR SYMPATHY. IT IS a report of the price of Miracle fruits.
to understand How Your financial partnership is being used to do exactly what Jesus did In Luke 8:1; & 9:6 Going from village to village preaching the Good News that Jesus has forgiven the sins of the World!

Loving the Majesty Ministries has heard repeatedly from Kenya and Uganda that many white people come just to tour and see the Monkeys. Then preach simple messages on the same verse John 3:16 acting like the African people can't understand Revelation knowledge and deeper truths of God's Spirit.  I CAN'T SPEAK ON OTHERS MINISTRIES. WHAT I CAN TELL you is
this: Loving the Majesty Ministries has designed and dedicated Itself and our team to preaching the Word of God and the Light We have been given with All Our Heart, strength, and Spirit To All who will listen.

Here is how your support IS used :

This is the weekly schedule :

Monday :
Get up at 7:00AM,  pack everything we own in the van with our team of 6;
SHARE A ONE PERSON SHOWER most of the time using cold water and a small cup bending over each time to get water. Then eat the breakfast of coffee, bread, & boil eggs. Drive 6 to 8 hours on what is called a road.
Unpack everything for the conference this week and learn each new locations details of when you receive water,  where to sleep -often on the floor,  and where to squat for the Latrine with no toilet. Preparation for an early morning pastor conference and greet all new people.  SLEEP-using earplugs to silence the chickens,  children, & animals or traffic.

7AM -Wake, "shower  (cold )"
8 AM - dig through the bags for everything to dress.
9 AM - if team and breakfast is ready-Eat and smile whatever It is.
9:30AM Set up PA (Thank you LOrd FOR those who supports our ministry so we could have IT ).
Pray and prepare to preach.
10 AM Registered those who really come on time and worship.
10:30 AM - 2 PM
(Being Blessed for interpreters who understand English and especially with the same annointed abilities to preach what is in your Spirit!
2PM - 3PM
Eat lunch whenever it is done or keep preaching until It is.....
3 PM - 5:30
Try to finish ALL we have had prepared for the Day.
5:30 loading the equipment for safe keep
6:00PM -Thank God for all the details OF Victories today... wish there was even cold water to clean the sweat off, Wait for water to be carried when the lines at The borehole allows the host to take thier turn and bicycle It back.
7PM to 10PM
Preparation for next days review of messages,  contact pastor AT THE next conference and follow updates,  shower :)... EAT or just go to sleep if dinner is not ready.

Repeat Tuesday.


Preach AT THE new Church.
Thank God that Pastor Stacey can preach 2 amazing annointed hours when you need a break :).

WE TRY TO rest one day a week when it is possible to do so,  but many location so just do not exist with the option.

NOW Remember that we are not boasting except in the Lord to accomplish all HE does through Loving the Majesty Ministries. We are simply communicating the Majesty Ministries programs SO you understand how important your support is to the Fruit production.

Most locations are waiting for us to arrive and even begin before we have gotten out of the van!  They also think we can add to the schedule schools conference, street crusades and  children ministry.

We have just completed Month number 3 ALL THE TIME BEING AWARE THAT THE MONEY IN OUR HANDS AND MINISTRY ACCOUNT WILL NEED YOU AS THE BODY OF JESUS to enable us to minister this work full time.

NOW let me share with you about the value Of $50. 00...

WE knew we needed support to continue this mission into Kenya Even TO get visas. We moved by faith buying a van to transport our ministry team, and  a generator, and P A.
Then We prayed for the funds and
made the best choices we knew by faith.
We had used the ministry funds down to  $13 U.S. and our funds.
We continued into Kenya where the costs are higher than Uganda.
Amazingly with small offerings at Each location each day we were able to stay in people's homes and buy our bottled water for the team and batteries for the microphones.  WHEN THE AFRICAN CHURCH heard we are preaching the Word of God some began to participate with us buying the food to feed the pastors or even occasionally putting Stacey and I in a hotel with a toilet and water.
However at one point We learned my business was scheduled to lose our biggest client,  and we didn't have the money for the conference in the next location.  Then we received a message ON Facebook that a new partner had  given $50 USD and again the second time.  IT was exactly what we needed to go that next step. This lady had helped a pastor receive hearing, and 6 people got saved.

I understand this is a long story... I am trying to type on a phone because we have been so thankful Even TO communicate this after all the devices were stolen.

Let me share the daily challenge We overcame: adversity We have had...fever, food poisoning,  oil leaks, AC repairs, 2 flat tires, a radio that is demon possessed- play too loud or too quiet or not at all not allowing us to recharge our spirit as we travel, I have been tired,  sick,  in the hospital, and healed.  Stacey has held my patience and HER own. She has had all HER personal things stolen -even her photos and makeup and phone and devices.
She has slept with chickens, roaches and rats over and around and in OUR bed. We have been hungry and broken down on the side of the road Far from help.  It seems every spare minute has been taken with fixing something.

Yet IN ALL This, Loving the Majesty Ministries is planning to return to each location again and add more.

We even believe God to begin a Bible training center we can teach and refresh in a home WE can rest in before going back out to Kenya, Uganda, Rwanda Tanzania,  South Sudan
and Having Faith IN God and You,  to raise monthly support to get the Work of the Ministry done.


WE SAY WITH Isaiah -"Here AM I.. send us
We ask you to spend your support to produce this fruit of Miracles....