Reaching those - who would be lost in His Name to be Priest of the Lord...Isaiah 6:16

Our main purpose is to Reconcile all people to knowledge of the gift of grace and power of God in todays world for their individual lives. We will have a discipleship teaching orientation for Pastors, leaders and believers of all ages with a special focus on areas that do not get many well-known speakers including widows and orphan. Today’s calling seems to be Africa, but the Lord recent spoke to our hearts to think bigger…His is a WORLD WIDE OPERATION- and He will not lose what He died for---His people- You

Monday, January 28, 2013

your Father knows what you need before you ask him - Matthew 6:8

I've heard from several people who are excited to hear about the mission trip after we leave for Uganda and South Sudan but really this mission began several months ago and it is exciting to see everything that God is doing.  I have shared some previously about taking sheets and shoes to Uganda and I do hope to write more about what God has done in regards to that because there are so many exciting testimonies but I also find myself very busy with last minute details.  Denver however, has written about an very exciting testimony in regards to the pastor and his family in Entebbe Uganda so today I would like to share that with you.

Last week I (Denver) was working on the Log House and the Lord said to me "Remember the pastor and His family in Entebbe when you give shoes and have dinner at the orphanage there" ( Stacey & I and our church have added this NEW opportunity to our mission. We are giving Sheets, Tennis Shoes and black Dress shoes for school attendance, and a NLT Bible to 44 children and house mom's. We have most of those items in our living room packed ready to go in one week, and others at our sons house in Miinneapolis.
I checked with the Missionary on site at Abba house in Entebbe- Barbara. She said she would check but thought the Pastor & his wife Deborah have 5 kids.
Here is the Testiomony: When Barbara called Deborah on her cell to check on shoe sizes for the kids in her house......Deborah was standing in the mall in Kampala, Uganda
with a list in her hand trying to figure out how she was going to buy shoes with funds she really did not have and just which of the kids absolutley had to have those shoes.
Deborah gave this testimony in their church 1-27-2013 of how she got the call that half way around the world God had put the thought into the heart of a missionary to provide for her families need. Amazingly the same day, we had shared our testimony at our home chirch in Healy Alaksa- In His Shadows- about God saying to include them.
They acknowledged and praised God for us having made this provision!
We acknowledged and praised God for his direction in faith even before we knew of the testimony given by Deborah that morning in the Africa service.
Late evening that same day the two stories joined as Barb shared with us via email what had happened in Africa church that mornnig!
It is a truth that GOD cannot Lie. It is a truth that he speaks to men and womens hearts. It is a miracle that a thought would occur to one preson about the need of another person never met half way around the world and that both happen in the same instant!
We leave in one week. The Lord be Praised.

Friday, January 18, 2013

Some people are hard to love

One Sunday morning as we sat in church, our pastor talked about loving people and I remember so vividly as my husband Denver said right out loud, in the middle of the service, it’s easy to love God but how do you love people.  The fact that the bible says to love others as you would yourself is not new to any of us but most of us are not so honest about the fact that there are those that we find it very difficult to love no matter how hard we try.

If you’ve never taken the time, I highly recommend reading through the book of Romans (and every book of the bible for that matter).  Paul talks to us about the grace of God and the fact that after being saved by grace we now are trying to be saved by our own works.

Now to the one who works, wages are not credited as a gift but as an obligation. However, to the one who does not work but trusts God who justifies the ungodly; their faith is credited to righteousness - Romans 4:4-5

What shall we say then? Shall we go on sinning so that grace my increase? By no means! We are those who have died to sin; how can we live in it any longer? Or don’t you know that all who were baptized into Christ Jesus were baptized into his death? We were therefore buried with him through baptism into death in order that, just as Christ was raised from the dead through the glory of the Father, we to may have new life. – Romans 6:1-4

Although I have the same body, my spirit and soul died and were raised again with Christ Jesus.  I am new creator created in Christ Jesus and filled with His Holy Spirit.

God’s love has been poured out into our hearts through the Holy Spirit, who has been given to us – Romans 5:5

Through my own efforts (works) I cannot love everyone, but the heart of God through the Holy Spirit in me loves everyone without condition.

Although in this earthly body I have never met them
It is God in me who loves 200 orphans in South Sudan
It is God in me who loves the widows who work at that orphanage
It is God in me who loves 40 orphans in Uganda
It is God in me who loves:

Thursday, January 17, 2013

Update on shoe sizes

There was some concern and confusion in regards to some of the shoe sizes as the foot measurement didn't seam to match the shoe size listed. I imagine this may be because the shoes the currently have are not actually the size that the child needs so I'm updating the sizes for anyone who feels God is calling them to help with this donation. 

Thank you to all those who have given generously to these children. 

Boys:                     Age        Size                       
Henry                    17           11.5
Steven                  15           11
Enock                                    10
John                      17           9.5
Grace                    17           9.5
Daniel                   12           9.5
Allan                      15           9
Julius                     17           8.5
William                 13           8.5
Emmanuel          16           7.5
Andrew                11           6.5
Joshua                  8              Youth 3
Desire                   9              Youth 2.5
Jackson                8              children’s 13.5
David                     5              children’s 13

Girls                      Age        Size
Faridah N             15           10 or 10 ½                                                           
Scovia                   16           9 ½        
Rhachel                12           9 ½
Alice                      16           8 or 8 ½
Faridah                 16           8
Vanesa                 11           7 or 7 ½
Hope                     12           8
Jessica                  18           7             
Irene                     16           7             
Antonita Faith    12            7                                                             
Best                       14           6 ½
Peace                    12           6
Jacky                     11           6 ½                        
Agnes                   11           6 ½        
Faith                      6            Youth 2                
Mariam                10           Youth 1  
Shakira                 10           Youth 1  
Joan                       8             child size 13
Shinerah                              child size 13
Rebecca               7              child size 12 ½

Daphine               7              child size 12 ½
Solome                 7              child size 12 ½                   
Dorcus                  5              child size 12 ½                                   
Christine                              Still waiting for size information
Caroline               14           Still waiting for size information

Aunties:                               Size
Aunt Jackie                         7

Aunt Rose                           9.5
Aunt Florence                   7

Thursday, January 10, 2013

Sheets, Shoes, and School Supplies

It’s amazing how quickly the days are slipping by as we prepare for our time in South Sudan and Uganda. 

We are excited for everything that God will do during this trip; both through us and in us.  Originally the mission was to visit and orphanage in South Sudan, which has since grown to two orphanages in South Sudan as well as one in Uganda.  We will have opportunities to minister to the children at all each of the three orphanages as well as the children at the school. 

Abba House in Entebbe Uganda is not a traditional orphanage but run like a home as much as possible. It consists of two house and four Ugandan women who take care of the children there. There is a missionary from America that is there several months of the year but the “aunties” are there to care for the children and function as close to what a normal Uganda home would function.  We are blessed that God has opened a door for us to spend some time with them, get to know them, and minister to them.

The 40 children at the home range in age from 5-18 and are in need of several supplies.  First we ask for your prayers that God will provide everything on the list and bless these children. Second, if you would like to help by making a donation, I am making a list of everything that they need.   I am putting this list in order of urgency of need

 Paper for school (this has to be purchased in Uganda as they have a specific type there so we will take money for them to purchase what they need)

40 sets of bed sheets – Dark colors or patterns (25 girls & 15 boys)
40 pairs of slip on tennis shoes (not white) – I will post their names, ages and sizes. Please let me know if you are planning to purchase any so that I can keep the list of sizes updated

12” plastic rulers
Plastic pencil sharpeners
40 pair of black dress shoes for school (These can be purchased in Uganda for about $18 a pair)
12 scientific calculators with sine and cosine

4 pair of church shoes for the house aunties
Here is the list of children
Boys:                     Age        Size                       
Steven                  15          9.5
John                      17          9.5
Henry                   17           9.5
Grace                   17           9.5
Allan                    15           9
Julius                   17           8.5
Emmanuel          16           6.5
Daniel                  12           6.5
William                13           6.5
Andrew               11           6.5
Joshua                  8            Youth 3
Desire                   9            Youth 2
Jackson                 8            children’s 13.5
David                     5            children’s  13
Enock                                   Still waiting for size information

Girls                       Age        Size
Faridah N             15           10 ½    - We are confirming this size                                                  
Scovia                   16           10  - We are confirming this size
Rhachel                12           9 ½  
Alice                      16           
Peace                    12           8 ½
Faridah                 16           8
Vanesa                 11            8  
Hope                    12            8
Best                      14            7
Jessica                  18           7             
Irene                     16           7     
Antonita Faith    12            7                                                   
Jacky                     11           6 ½                        
Agnes                   11           5             
Faith                     6             Youth 3  
Mariam                10           Youth 1 ½
Shakira                 10           Youth 1 ½
Rebecca               7              child size 12 ½
Daphine               7              child size 12 ½
Solome                 7              child size 12 ½   
Joan                       8             child size 12 ½   
Dorcus                  5              child size 12 ½   
Shinerah                              Still waiting for size information                
Christine                              Still waiting for size information
Caroline              14            Still waiting for size information

Aunties:                               Size
Aunt Jackie                         7
Aunt Rose                           9.5

Aunt Florence                   Still waiting for size information

Friday, January 4, 2013

Update on our South Sudan mission trip

Dear friends and fellow body of Christ,
Just an update on our first Missionary journey to come, we are now 5 weeks away from departure.
God is faithful! We are Blessed. We agree with Isaiah 51:2b as the seed of Abraham by faith, “He has called us. He has Blessed us. He has Increased us. “
We will be sharing God’s word across Africa. Nine times Denver is scheduled to speak in South Sudan at the first orphanage location, and then possibly in their church, and Stacey is doing a women’s Bible study with the widows of the orphanage 5 days a week 2 to 4 hours each day. during the three weeks we are there.
The second location offers other opportunities for preaching and speaking with the Orphanage.
Each location includes sharing on trips into the villages with the orphans as our translators.
More info on the work this site is doing can be found online at
The lady who began the work also just authored her first book about the experience:
Adventures under the Mango Tree by Lillian Klepp available at :
We felt that our journey itinerary plan should leave days open both going into and coming out of Sudan during our passage thru Uganda. So we left one day open on the entry and several days open on the exit. Just this week, we have been blessed with an open door on the way in to minister in a school and an orphanage known as ABBA House.
Our hope is to provide a pair of dress shoes for each of the 40 kids between age 5 - 18 that are required to have so they may attend the school. The orphanage is working on getting us the name, gender, and shoe size of each of the children.  We also hope to take them a pair of tennis shoes, a set of twin bed sheet (not white) for each child and a individual Bible in the same translation(NLT), as well as some treats they like red Licorice.
It is amazing how God made this connection after the fact of our planning the open time.
At this point to our knowledge our travel budget has been met and we are making last purchases for the items we are taking for the orphanages.
Thank you for your prayers. Love and support,
Priests of the Lord by Isaiah 61:6
Your friends,
Denver & Stacey Urlaub
HC1 Box 3825 Healy, Alaska 99743