I have noticed that the words that we use can create division that we do not intended to create. When we use words like blessing, curse, prosperity, or rich; many people put up a wall of division and yet if you sit and talk you often discover that you have very much the same belief. The question may come to this : are you defining these things by the world or by the Kingdom of God? James tells us : has not God chosen those who are poor in the eyes of the world to be RICH in faith. Today I challenge you to not put up walls of division but to seek to understand what others are really saying - not in order to change but to understand. I have also seen however that having a challenging conversation does help to grow me spiritually because it causes me to dig deeper into the Word in order to explain what I believe.
There were some obstacles in regards to our transportation to Terekeka but Praise God that He has made a way. Pray for safe travel and for a small amount of scabies on my hands and arms.
Reaching those - who would be lost in His Name to be Priest of the Lord...Isaiah 6:16
Our main purpose is to Reconcile all people to knowledge of the gift of grace and power of God in todays world for their individual lives. We will have a discipleship teaching orientation for Pastors, leaders and believers of all ages with a special focus on areas that do not get many well-known speakers including widows and orphan. Today’s calling seems to be Africa, but the Lord recent spoke to our hearts to think bigger…His is a WORLD WIDE OPERATION- and He will not lose what He died for---His people- You
Our main purpose is to Reconcile all people to knowledge of the gift of grace and power of God in todays world for their individual lives. We will have a discipleship teaching orientation for Pastors, leaders and believers of all ages with a special focus on areas that do not get many well-known speakers including widows and orphan. Today’s calling seems to be Africa, but the Lord recent spoke to our hearts to think bigger…His is a WORLD WIDE OPERATION- and He will not lose what He died for---His people- You
Wednesday, February 20, 2013
Sunday, February 17, 2013
I would love to include pictures but I am having trouble figuring that out on Denver playbook
There are more stories that I could tell you than what there is time in the day. I feel there is so much that I want to share with you about these amazing beautiful people and for what there is not time to put in a blog then I hope some day we could sit with a cup of coffee and I could share my heart with you. For today I would like to tell you about a very special young man named Emmanuel. He has been at Harvesters for 12 years and really my words can never say enough about how amazing he is. Today he shared the message with us at church and I was so blessed with everything that he said and shared with us. With no formal training at all he would rank very high on the top for many pastors that I have listened to; somewhere alongside some of the best known on television. He is truly lead by the Holy Spirit.
This young man however does not feel he is being called to preach but desires to go to school to be an electrical engineer. He tested as the top student in all of South Sudan. If that didn't register let me say again when he graduated he tested as the smartest person in the entire Country. Mama Lilly (who started the orphanage with her husband Dennis ) helped him apply to college in the US. If I recall correctly it was to Virginia Tech. He was accepted and they were able to raise the funds for school, plane tickets, etc. But everything had to be purchased before they could even apply for a visa in Uganda. They flew to Uganda but we're denied A visa because he was an orphan from South Sudan. These are the challenges that they face here and what I've heard is that they deal with it fine because they are used to disappointment.
Please remember him in your prayers as he works toward going to University in Kenya.
There are more stories that I could tell you than what there is time in the day. I feel there is so much that I want to share with you about these amazing beautiful people and for what there is not time to put in a blog then I hope some day we could sit with a cup of coffee and I could share my heart with you. For today I would like to tell you about a very special young man named Emmanuel. He has been at Harvesters for 12 years and really my words can never say enough about how amazing he is. Today he shared the message with us at church and I was so blessed with everything that he said and shared with us. With no formal training at all he would rank very high on the top for many pastors that I have listened to; somewhere alongside some of the best known on television. He is truly lead by the Holy Spirit.
This young man however does not feel he is being called to preach but desires to go to school to be an electrical engineer. He tested as the top student in all of South Sudan. If that didn't register let me say again when he graduated he tested as the smartest person in the entire Country. Mama Lilly (who started the orphanage with her husband Dennis ) helped him apply to college in the US. If I recall correctly it was to Virginia Tech. He was accepted and they were able to raise the funds for school, plane tickets, etc. But everything had to be purchased before they could even apply for a visa in Uganda. They flew to Uganda but we're denied A visa because he was an orphan from South Sudan. These are the challenges that they face here and what I've heard is that they deal with it fine because they are used to disappointment.
Please remember him in your prayers as he works toward going to University in Kenya.
Wednesday, February 13, 2013
Happy Valentines Day
What more could you want on valentines day than a day full of love?
We started our morning listening to the children worshiping with little ones in our arms, followed by morning chapel done by one of the older girls. Then we had a wonderful breakfast because the cooks here are outstanding. Of course it helps that I actually like beans and rice, and oatmeal.
It is a cooler morning so we decided it was a good day for a run. As we were running the children were walking to school so some of them began to run with us. There was the sound of flip flop;s behind me. It was the most rewarding run that I've ever had.
Soon Denver will be doing another chapel which will be his third. They are going very well and the children as well as the teachers seem to be enjoying it. Today I do my first women's group there will be 15 of them.
There is much love to go spread and receive so I must go for now. Be Blessed
We started our morning listening to the children worshiping with little ones in our arms, followed by morning chapel done by one of the older girls. Then we had a wonderful breakfast because the cooks here are outstanding. Of course it helps that I actually like beans and rice, and oatmeal.
It is a cooler morning so we decided it was a good day for a run. As we were running the children were walking to school so some of them began to run with us. There was the sound of flip flop;s behind me. It was the most rewarding run that I've ever had.
Soon Denver will be doing another chapel which will be his third. They are going very well and the children as well as the teachers seem to be enjoying it. Today I do my first women's group there will be 15 of them.
There is much love to go spread and receive so I must go for now. Be Blessed
Monday, February 11, 2013
Tuesday, February 5, 2013
The first leg of the journey begins
Today, Stacey & I begin first leg the miracle journey we have been traveling this past 6 months.
The Holy Spirit, God our Father, and our Lord Jesus has added to our mission a visit to an orphanage and school in Entebbe Uganda to the South Sudan trip.
Since Jan 1st,2013 when this assignment was given, it has been a this step by step addition that has come complete with dress shoes, tennis shoes (donated by Walmart in Fairbanks, Alaska), Bibles, school supplies, soocer balls, basketballs, and bedsheets for 44 orphans and 17 in the Pastors house, and the cost of a celebration dinner for them all.
We plan to wash their feet in a gift giving celebration this Monday afternoon.
Today as we are begining the long journey Alsaka airlines waved the luggage fee for 9 total suitcases of supplies. God Has great plans and we are His workmanship in Christ Jesus to do them.
The Lord has also booked us a two day- Faith and Healing preaching seminar in Uganda on the way back thru in March.
Our Small church in Healy, Alaska with their big hearts and love - along with many of you- have encouraged us greatly with prayers love and support.
As we go forth, Pray the powers of the air are shaken, and the principalities bow to allow the hearts of each person to receive the Love and Grace Jesus paid for on the cross, and lives to make intercession on our behalf at this present time.
May God Bless you,
and keep you,
make His face to Shine UPON YOU,
In His Name- Jesus, our Lord- Grace and Peace-
Denver & Stacey Urlaub
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