Over the past several weeks, Denver and I have traveled to
many villages and churches here in Uganda.
We have come to bring them God’s love and His word.
We were blessed to take with us a team from Uganda who does
singing and dancing ministry and also children’s workshops. If you get a chance to look at our facebook
page, you can see several of the pictures of them and what they do. Thank you Gloria, Josephine, TK, and Princess
Samantha. You truly will be part of our
family forever. Also to our special
friend and brother John Robert who drove the team through the country and took
such care to watch over us all. We love
Because of limited internet we have been unable to post
blogs all the details but it has been an amazing experience and so many lives
have been touched, including ours. Our
journey began in Entebbe Uganda at Tabernacle of Christ Church and then
continued to Miracle of Faith Church in Mukono. As we were leaving Mukono, I wrote a blog that
I was unable to post because we didn’t have internet. Although there is much to tell about all the
travels, I have decided to still post the blog about Mukono Miracle of Faith
More to come as time allows:
We have spent the past twelve days in Mukono, Uganda. This
is the second preaching Conference during our time we will spend here in Africa
this year. For this Conference we returned to Mukono where we had preached our
final two days of the previous trip to Africa last March. We did eight days of
teaching at the Miracle of Faith Church as well as open air conferences for
three nights and a soccer tournament that was sponsored in our name. When I think of my brothers and sisters in
Mukono, I have a greater understand of Paul’s writings to the church and the
Miracle of Faith church is like my church of Philippi.
Paul writes:
I thank my God every time I remember you. In all my prayers for all of you, I always
pray with joy because of your partnership in the gospel from the first day
until now, being confident of this, that he who began a good work in you will
carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus. It is right for me to feel this way about all
of you, since I have you in my heart and, whether I am in chains or defending
and confirming the gospel, all of you share in God’s grace with me. God can testify how I long for all of you
with the affection of Christ Jesus.
Yes, it is right for me to feel this way about the people of
Mukono and God can testify how I long for all of you with the affection of
Christ Jesus.
When we travel and preach
the Word of God, we give all we have of ourselves, both financially and
spiritually. The refreshing of the spirit is critical in order to be able to
continue to give.
Our family at Miracle
of Faith Church always fills us in a way that leaves me bounding with joy.
Pastor Margaret, George, Rolant, and everyone at Miracle of
Faith Church hosted our time; covering our hotel, transportation, and food
cost. The church also took a daily offering for us to help cover the cost that
will allow us to travel to an orphanage in Katogwe and to bless the children
there with school supplies. This is an
amazing thing for a church that is still believing God for a building to
worship in and chairs to sit on but they have understood what God teaches on
sowing a seed and have put their faith in God to provide what they need. This
takes great faith to great faith to let go of what you have, not trusting in
money but trusting in God and I know God will bless them for this because He is
faithful to His word.
George our host asked us if they could host a soccer
(football to Ugandan’s) Tournament in our name.
When he ask it did not seem like much of a request to us and we agreed. Little could we know how much of an outreach
this was. Many teams competed prior to our arrival but we were able to attend
the final day; and two final matches, first the under 16 age and then the under
11 age group.
After the final match ended we were supposed to say a few
words to the group and crowd and give a few small love gifts to whomever we
wished and award the trophy for the final match. These boys, many of them
orphans, hung on our every word not knowing we had uniform to share with them
when we were done speaking. We shared where we are from and how we came to
The tournament was built around HIV /STD education, and
counseling. We shared connecting the
information on the pamphlet with the response of the crowd. Some took the
pamphlets others did not. Some read them others did not. We likened this to the
way people treated God and His Word. Many people just ignore it; some read it
thinking they know what it says and others look deeply into Jesus and learn
from what He has said. The game of life is coming to the final goal. Will we
champion by faith in Jesus or lose the Game without a score?
Then we began to recognize the volunteer coaches, team
captains, and goal keepers with Jerseys. We awarded Honorable mention jerseys
to the losing runner up teams and gave recognition to the organizer with a few
journals and jerseys as well.
The audience was so touched by our love that they announced
that each Year they were going to hold the Denver & Stacey Tournament
adding events as they are able. The amazing part is they just wanted to use our
name and never ask anything from us other than our recognition.
If you could have seen the love of the children for us –
players and non-players alike- Children whose clothes themselves were beyond
repair sharing smiles and love for no return. The leaders encouraged the teams
to give each other gifts at the conclusion as sportsmanship. We were blessed
when two teams agreed to share their gifts to honor us; a simple plastic cup so
full of love that it is priceless.

The church also blessed us by allowing us to bring four of
the boys from Abba House and hosting them as well. Mukono welcomed them with open arms. Julius, William, Grace and Emmanuel have made
us proud with outstanding behavior and participation. These four boys have not had many, if any,
opportunities to leave the orphanage on field trips, so to see them so well
behaved was a breath of fresh air. .
Each of the boys was able to help in the conference in many ways. They all
helped with the daily children’s lessons and children’s worship. They also assisted with translating, worship,
sound systems, setting up the open air conference, and many other things that
I’m sure that I am forgetting to list. My
heart was overflowing with joy every time I saw one of them getting involved
and helping. My family is growing every day and I now have four more sons and
the family in Mukono counts them as their new sons as well. It was very difficult to let them go at the
end of the time but I know already that God has a plan that will lead us back
to spending even more time with them.
There were too many
details of the conference to give in one short blog but Denver spent many hours
teaching this week on the finished worked of Jesus Christ, the Blood Covenant, Breaking
the spirit of poverty, Right Thinking, and the High Priest. I also did a
teaching on Healing and on the final day, together we did a marriage teaching. Many
people testified to healing of spirits and of bodies throughout the conference.
One special testimony came from one of the boys that had
traveled here with us. He told how for the first couple days of the conference
he was seeing there was chapatti for sale and he was wishing that he had
some. Then on the third day I gave him
1000 shillings (about 40 cents). One
chapatti cost 500 shillings so he bought one and had enough left to buy another
the next day but then Denver taught on sewing a seed and so he decided to sew
the 500 shillings (20 cents) instead.
God blessed him with 2,000 shillings, so he bought chapatti and again
sewed part of the money, and then God blessed him with 5,000 shillings.
I actually saw all the boys sewing money into the offerings
more than once and this blessed me because I could see that they were hearing
Gods word and putting their faith in Him and not in the 500 shillings that they
knew would get them a chapatti.
This is the heart of
the people here. They may not have much
to give by American standards but like the widow with two bits, they give all
they have, and it does up. What they
have all given will buy some school supplies for others, and soap for
We will continue to pour ourselves out as offerings these
weeks to come, but we leave Mukono full and ready to give.
Philippians 1:9 And this is my prayer: that your love may
abound more and more in knowledge and depth of insight.