Reaching those - who would be lost in His Name to be Priest of the Lord...Isaiah 6:16

Our main purpose is to Reconcile all people to knowledge of the gift of grace and power of God in todays world for their individual lives. We will have a discipleship teaching orientation for Pastors, leaders and believers of all ages with a special focus on areas that do not get many well-known speakers including widows and orphan. Today’s calling seems to be Africa, but the Lord recent spoke to our hearts to think bigger…His is a WORLD WIDE OPERATION- and He will not lose what He died for---His people- You

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

More than just enough

I imagine we've all seen the television stories of the starving children all over the world and our hearts have compassion. We see the little child holding the small bowl hopeful for some porridge that will provide them just enough to stay alive. I am moved by the desire to save as many of Gods people from starving as I am able, and yet I can't help but feel that they are in need of so much more. Praise God for enough to stay alive, but what if they could have a more nutritious balanced diet? In addition to food, what if they could have shelter, clothing, and an education? As my heart longs for them to have more, so also our God longs for us to have more.
This is what God spoke to me:
My children are starving. They come to church on Sunday morning with their small bowl hoping for a little porridge so that they can survive for another week. 

God wants us to have more than a little porridge. He wants us to read and study his word so that we are continually full, never lacking.
Let perseverance finish its work so that you may be mature and complete, not lacking anything James 1:4

He has already provided us with everything we need and it is all there in his word if we just begin to receive what He has already given us.

God is doing so many amazing things in our lives right now that if I were to put it all in one post you may likely see how long it is and not read any of it. Denver and I thank you for all your love and support; both financially and through your constant prayers.   
Throughout Gods word it says that He blesses us. That is evident in our lives daily if we open our eyes to what He has done.  Praise God - this week Denver and I were able to purchase our tickets into Entebbe Uganda. Travel arrangements are different than I’ve ever done before and it isn’t as simple as just going online and clicking a button. We were able to use some airline miles to get us to and from Minneapolis which helped to reduce the overall cost of the flights, which still were more than what we had estimated.  We used a travel agent to get tickets from Minneapolis because she was able to help us get missionary tickets. One of the benefits of this is that we are allowed to take 3 suitcases, which doesn’t really mean anything because when we go from Uganda to South Sudan, we are only allowed 33 pounds of luggage; yes that is going to be challenging. The main benefit  of the missionary tickets is that they are refundable or exchangeable should dates or anything need to be adjust; which we don’t anticipated but were told this will help reduce the cost of evacuation insurance which we will still need to purchase before we can go.  We also need to purchase tickets from Uganda into Yei, South Sudan. This is a little more complicated because we have to do this through the airline in Uganda so when the finances are available we will have to contact Uganda and then wire the money for the cost of the tickets. The total cost has gone up from what we originally anticipated but the more that I study God word; the more I find peace in knowing that He will provide.

For it is God who works in you to will and act in order to fulfill his good purpose – Philippians 2:13



  1. This week I understood God has supplied HIS GRACE-none of my effort accomplished anything, but is only a response to HIS Love He chose the wya so we could be without blame before and in His love. His grace is sufficient--more than enough and I see the desires of your heart and HIS being fulfilled in Sudan as He prospers us in all things richly to enjoy in Him.

  2. I have friends moving to Sudan. I read up on them a long because I often work with the stateless people from Burma, and FB group I follow talks about both Burma and Sudan a lot.

    I hope to go to East Africa soon.
