Reaching those - who would be lost in His Name to be Priest of the Lord...Isaiah 6:16

Our main purpose is to Reconcile all people to knowledge of the gift of grace and power of God in todays world for their individual lives. We will have a discipleship teaching orientation for Pastors, leaders and believers of all ages with a special focus on areas that do not get many well-known speakers including widows and orphan. Today’s calling seems to be Africa, but the Lord recent spoke to our hearts to think bigger…His is a WORLD WIDE OPERATION- and He will not lose what He died for---His people- You

Sunday, November 24, 2013

Healing of Spirits

This is just our second day home from Haiti and we are still recovering from the long journey and readjusting to the time schedule here in Alaska.  There have been times of emotions and times of rest and as we get the opportunity to visit with family and friends we search for the words to describe our time in Haiti and what God did during our time there. I’ve posted in the past on my facebook page how there were many challenges in Haiti and many victories and yet we seem short on words to describe this time.  What we do say seems superficial at times and just short of explanation.

Sometimes the greatest testimony has to start with the greatest challenge.  Haiti had many challenges but it was because of these challenges that we are able to declare some of the greatest miracles.  In order to explain the miracles, we are finding our explanation begins to focus on explaining the difficulty that we faced and this is not what we hope to focus on when sharing with everyone.  We would like to focus on the miracles and the lives that were changed and the work that God did. 

Where God sends us, it will be a dark world at time.  We face cultures of voodoo, witch craft and spiritual warfare. There are many teachings in the world that are not from the bible or from God and so we face generations who have been misled and misinformed.   We often have to die to ourselves to accomplish what God has called us to do.  We however, consider ourselves blessed to have the opportunity to teach and lead people to a new understanding of what Jesus did for them on the cross.  To help them know that God “remembers their sin no more” and that God is not in the earthquake (1 King 19:11). 

We see healing of bodies, but some of our greatest miracles come from healing of spirits and this is what we witnessed during out time in Haiti.  These are the miracles that we find difficult to describe.  These are the miracles that seem to start with us explaining the darkness that the people were in but we do not want to forget to mention the light that they received by revolution from the word of God that they received. 
We praise God for:
Healing of Spirits
Reconciliation of families
Healing of bodies
New believers giving their lives to the Lord
For being able to share the truth of God’s word with pastors and other believers in Haiti
For being able to be a light in a dark world

Monday, November 18, 2013

Street Smart Spending

As American missionaries, people often approach us hoping for a hand out of money and although we are here to help people; a hand out of money is not the way to help.  We feel that one way to help is to purchase goods from the people, as a way, to support their business helping them in their effort to help themselves rather than just giving a hand out. 

Today, we went for a walk and purchased 6 bananas for a dollar.  We were able to get something that we would enjoy eating -yet help a family by making our purchase from them rather than the market (grocery store). Many people have set up stands selling all sorts of things here in Haiti; rice, beans, crackers, vegetables, fruit, sugar cane, and lots of hot foods, as well. We have not had the opportunity to purchase all of these items; however, we have gone for a few different walks to get fresh vegetables and fruit. A basket of about ten mangoes cost us just over $2. The mangos were so delicious. They were located far away as we were passing through an area that had lots of mangos. They do not seem to be as available here in the mountains where we are staying.

Before we came to Haiti, our host explained told us that the cost of food is very high here and although this is true of many items, we are finding that it is dependent on what you buy and where you buy it.  Many items are imported to Haiti from America and other countries.  These items are very expensive; in fact, those items are so expensive that there is unrest in the country that began just a few days ago. The people have demanded that the President be thrown out of the government.   From what we have been told, the government has added a very large tax on all items that are imported.  Buying at the market groceries, or other items, the price is about double or more what we pay in America.  I can somewhat understand the higher prices for items that are imported; as I know there is a cost to import, a cost for the tax, and a cost to operate the market.  What amazed me is how much some of the items are in the market that can be purchased from the small stands found on almost any road in Haiti.  A whole chicken in the market is around 500 goudes ($12); a package of three carrots cost about 75 goudes ($1.85); and four tomatoes cost 85 goudes ($2).  Now if I could get tomatoes for that price in Alaska, I would be pretty happy. So in a way, this price doesn’t sound so bad, although it is more than many Haitians make in a day.  I do not know the exact price comparison for each item; however, Denver and I are finding that anything that is grown locally is much less expensive to buy from the people on the street rather than from the market. At first they may ask a price way higher because we are Americans-yet once they realize we are educated to their ways the price quickly becomes more reasonable yet they are still making a profit.

Denver and I struggled to figure out why it was costing so much to feed the people during our time at the pastors training here, because we were seeing the prices of the fresh produce that was available to purchase.  With a bit of a language barrier we began to ask many questions.  Even in the home of our host we tried to understand why it was that it is costing them so much to feed their family.  We know that one of the reasons is that they feed many more people than just their own family every day.  There are many people that are hungry that know that they can come here for food. We are happy to help in any way that we can, but even then the meals seam to lack the inexpensive produce that we know is available (items that any Alaskan would love to find for a good price).
As we watched and asked many questions, we have learned that almost all the food is purchased at the markets.  We are told that it is faster & easier to go to the market rather than trying to get it from the people since life is so busy.  I do understand being busy; Yet, I feel this causes two issues: first it cost more for food. Secondly, the opportunity to help the people on the street is missed. 
When we traveled to Codes de Fer, we were able to feed more people with less money.  In my thinking this just doesn’t make sense. The difference is where the purchases are made.  Many Americans are criticized for the method they use to help the people. It is said at times that it hurts the people rather than helping them.  It was for this reason, we thought it was best to let the church make the food purchases to feed the people during the conferences.  The people did get fed, which was the objective; however, I find that I am disappointed that more people weren’t helped by making the purchase from the people.  In one effort it is not possible to change a mindset. Many feel it is not a meal if they do not have beans and rice. For those even a King’s table would not be appreciated. Yet little by little it is possible to try different methods to accomplish the same end goal making resources expand.

We may not always make the best choices on everything that we do, but as we will learn from our experiences we can grow making sure that it is done differently should the Lord bring us to Haiti again.
Additional thoughts from Denver:
Communication and understanding open the door for integrity and trust. When a person feels something is not being done the best way it is the right time to dig deeper to learn how both parties see the picture. 
Clarifying communication builds trust and trust builds ownership of integrity. Mystery causes confusion and distrust. We have had minutes when we questioned motives and actions during this trip. Yet each time we pursued the understanding and made sure that we were on the same page together. Now that we are about to leave this group of people and our hosts we have established a connection that has been successful and we know the heart of those we are dealing with. The Lord has placed before us  a New Project that Stacey & I have developed that we are praying about to help one of the communities we have preached at. We know this is a group that we can trust to do what we have before us. We will share more about this with you in the days ahead.      

Sunday, November 17, 2013

The church from Duvier, Haiti

This morning we preached at a church in the community of Duvier, Haiti. Remnants of walls and foundation remain from the church building that once stood but was destroyed by the earthquake.

While most people just left in frustration, a couple dozen people remain including two of the women who originally founded the church 30 years ago and a number of children.

Those that stayed have put together what most would call a shack out of a few old boards with bent over nails, a few pieces of tin and tattered tarps for a roof. Yet in the spirit of these people, there remains a hope that one day they will once again see a building to worship in like the one they had before the destruction. Of course, this would be a miracle because they lack the income or potential of income; yet God has promised in John 14:18 that He would not leave us orphans. He has promised that He would build his church and while the church is the human spirit of the heart and not cement and mortar; the very foundation, walls and roof of a building point to the hope that life again has some normality. Loving the Majesty Ministries hopes that it will be able to stand with this church and see this miracle occur.

The rocks on the left are from the original church while the building on the right is the church that they put up after the earthquake.

You can see the altar of the original church and then the new church behind it.

Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Revival in the mountains of Haiti

 We praise God for His protection and anointing as we traveled to Cotes De Fer.  It was as if we had entered a new country from the other areas that we had been.  Deep into the mountains of Haiti, we found many people traveling with donkeys carrying large loads of supplies; houses separated by deep valleys, and a peacefulness that made us feel like we were home.

After several hours of travel; our road turned into a foot trail and finally we arrived at the church and our new home for the next couple of days.  We did not know what our home here would be like because we had been told many times that the people here are very poor and although they do not hold the riches of the world, they had great wealth of love in their hearts. 
 A family of four graciously gave up their house to us for the three nights that we would be there.  It was a small home but it appeared perhaps previous missionaries had assisted in building it as it had been built differently than the other homes with a well designed cistern.  Off to one side was a separate kitchen area built with sticks and banana leaves.  There were two homes and the church on the property and both homes were given to us and the pastors that traveled with us while the families slept on the cement floor of the church. 

As we passed the kitchen area, women were busy at work preparing to feed us and everyone that would walk the mountain trails to hear the word of God.  Thank you to everyone who contributed to the feeding for the people during our time here. 
I promise you that they do not waist a thing and on our first morning because of your generous donation, we were severed a breakfast of soup made with the intestines and other internal portions of the goat.  Admittingly, I picked through the soup to find the cabbage and yams, but even the broth shared the taste that I could have easily skipped.  For them, I am sure this was a great delicacy that they had saved for their guest. 

The floor and walls of the church were well built with cement but the ceiling was very low so Denver had to duck at points to make sure that he did not hit his head on the wood rafters above.  Fresh flowers had been picked and tied around the post of the church and the people were ready for revival for the time we were there.  After just a short period of rest after our long days traveling, the rival began the first evening.  Many people from other churches in the area had also made the walk through the mountains in the dark to be there. The people sang and danced before the Lord for around two hours and so the pastor asked them if they could stay an extra hour to allow time for the word of God.  Unlike, what we had encountered at the pastors training, the people were in no hurry to leave; so the revival continued.  There was a special dedication to Denver and I from two small children who sang in English “I have decided to follow Jesus”.   After Denver shared a powerful message from God and the service had ended, some of the people began to leave, but the music and dancing continued and when those leaving realized that we were still worshiping God, they turned and filled the church up again.  The worship must have continued for about another hour or so.  My heart instantly filled with love for these people and this place so deep into the mountains of Haiti.

The singing and dancing continued for the next two days as we fed on beans, rice, goat, and the gospel.   In the morning, I shared with the children and Denver shared with the adults about the finished work that Jesus did on the cross as well as a teaching on the old and new covenant.  So much of this was new to the people but we could see that God was opening their eyes, ears, and hearts to the truth of what Jesus had to done for them.  
As I taught the children, they were very honest about what they believed: that God had caused them to be sick and brought destruction on Haiti as punishment for things they had done.  I had not prepared for a children’s program but the Spirit of God lead me as I shared with them how God is a good, how they are good, and how much God loves them. 

In the evening, we did a healing service where I continued Denver’s teaching about how Jesus had redeemed us and that as part of that redemption, we had been redeemed for the curses of Satan and the sickness that he tries to put on us.   

On the final day, the children were not able to be there because of school but Denver continued to teach the people about the blood covenant.  The people asked him several questions which helped us know that they were hearing and receiving the word of God that we were sharing. There were many testimonies of God’s healing from the evening before. 

After just a couple hours rest, we awoke early to make the travel back out of the mountains and into the busy city.  I will simply say that God was watching over us and protecting us and we are thankful to be back and having a night of rest.

Please continue to pray for His hand of protection over us, for anointing as we preach the Good News of Jesus and for healing for a fever that has tried to attack Denver today. 

Monday, November 4, 2013

Feeding on the crumbs

We have been in Haiti only a few days now and are just beginning to learn about the people and life here.  There is so much already that I look forward to sharing with all of you but time will only allow for a short blog.  This week we are preaching a pastors training in the morning and afternoon; and then a rival in the evening.  Today the people were blessed with rain which the pastor here tells us is a good thing because they are coming to the end of their rainy season.  This however, meant that the revival was canceled for the evening because people must walk a distance to get to the church and although they will walk in the dark or rain, the two combined creates a greater challenge for them.

“Even the dogs eat the crumbs that fall from their master’s table” – Matthew 15:27b
On Sunday and in the mornings during the pastors training, coffee and a slice of bread is served to everyone because many are without food.  A lunch of rice with beans is also served after the service and at break for the pastors training.  The Canaanite woman and her statement to Jesus came to my mind as I watched the hungry dogs that wonder around the church hoping to catch just a crumb from the bread that is dropped.  They know that there will be food there and although no one offers them anything they are able to find just a crumb here and there.  Their bodies are skin and bones and even if you are not a pet person you can’t help but have compassion for them. 

On Sunday, I was presented with a large plate of rice and beans and I could tell it would be more than I would be able to eat so I asked the pastor what I should do with if I cannot eat it all.  He said “just give it to one of the children. They are hungry and would be happy to get it”.  I noticed a group of children standing in the middle between the pews of the church.  Although, I would have been able to eat more, at that statement, how could I deny these children food?  He was right; they were very excited to get it and wasted no time beginning to eat. 

Today during the pastors training, I noticed the face of a young boy who had come to the church every day when we were there.  I sat near the back leaned against one of the pillars.  It was obvious he was at an age he should have been in school but most likely his family did not have the money to send him. When he arrived, we had already received our morning bread and today there had been enough for everyone to get two slices but I choose to eat only one and had left the other wrapped up in the napkin.  As I looked back at this little face I thought again of this verse and I thought of the dogs and how they know that there will be food at the church. It was then that I realized this little boy(and the group of children on Sunday) also knew that there would always be food in God’s house.
So he comes and he waits and he hopes that he will get food.
I walked back and sat next to him and offered him the slice of bread which he wasted no time eating. 

At lunch, the plates of beans and rice were passed out to everyone. I watched as he waited with anticipation in his eyes that someone might give him just a little of what they had left.  Denver went and requested that he would receive his own plate and so it was along with a second plate.  He set his plate down and ran out of the church with great excitement as of someone who had just given him a great gift.  Then he returned to eat is food.

Later, we asked the pastor who the little boy is and they did not know his name but they say that he comes always hoping for food.  I am a bit sad that no one knows his name and he does not understand me when I talk to him, but I am determined that before we leave I will find someone who can ask him his name for me.

He comes to the church hoping for food but while he is there he also sits and feeds on the word of the Lord and we do not know who this young boy will someday be and how God will use him to change Haiti because he knows that there is always food in Gods house.