Today, we went for a walk and purchased 6 bananas for a
dollar. We were able to get something
that we would enjoy eating -yet help a family by making our purchase from them
rather than the market (grocery store). Many people have set up stands selling
all sorts of things here in Haiti; rice, beans, crackers, vegetables, fruit,
sugar cane, and lots of hot foods, as well. We have not had the opportunity to
purchase all of these items; however, we have gone for a few different walks to
get fresh vegetables and fruit. A basket of about ten mangoes cost us just over
$2. The mangos were so delicious. They were located far away as we were passing
through an area that had lots of mangos. They do not seem to be as available
here in the mountains where we are staying.
Before we came to Haiti, our host explained told us that the
cost of food is very high here and although this is true of many items, we are
finding that it is dependent on what you buy and where you buy it. Many items are imported to Haiti from America
and other countries. These items are
very expensive; in fact, those items are so expensive that there is unrest in
the country that began just a few days ago. The people have demanded that the President
be thrown out of the government. From
what we have been told, the government has added a very large tax on all items
that are imported. Buying at the market groceries,
or other items, the price is about double or more what we pay in America. I can somewhat understand the higher prices for
items that are imported; as I know there is a cost to import, a cost for the
tax, and a cost to operate the market.
What amazed me is how much some of the items are in the market that can
be purchased from the small stands found on almost any road in Haiti. A whole chicken in the market is around 500
goudes ($12); a package of three carrots cost about 75 goudes ($1.85); and four
tomatoes cost 85 goudes ($2). Now if I
could get tomatoes for that price in Alaska, I would be pretty happy. So in a
way, this price doesn’t sound so bad, although it is more than many Haitians
make in a day. I do not know the exact
price comparison for each item; however, Denver and I are finding that anything
that is grown locally is much less expensive to buy from the people on the
street rather than from the market. At first they may ask a price way higher
because we are Americans-yet once they realize we are educated to their ways
the price quickly becomes more reasonable yet they are still making a profit.
When we traveled to Codes de Fer, we were able to feed more people with less money. In my thinking this just doesn’t make sense. The difference is where the purchases are made. Many Americans are criticized for the method they use to help the people. It is said at times that it hurts the people rather than helping them. It was for this reason, we thought it was best to let the church make the food purchases to feed the people during the conferences. The people did get fed, which was the objective; however, I find that I am disappointed that more people weren’t helped by making the purchase from the people. In one effort it is not possible to change a mindset. Many feel it is not a meal if they do not have beans and rice. For those even a King’s table would not be appreciated. Yet little by little it is possible to try different methods to accomplish the same end goal making resources expand.
We may not always make the best choices on everything that we do, but as we will learn from our experiences we can grow making sure that it is done differently should the Lord bring us to Haiti again.
Additional thoughts from Denver:
Communication and understanding open the door for integrity
and trust. When a person feels something is not being done the best way it is
the right time to dig deeper to learn how both parties see the picture.
Clarifying communication builds trust and trust builds
ownership of integrity. Mystery causes confusion and distrust. We have had
minutes when we questioned motives and actions during this trip. Yet each time
we pursued the understanding and made sure that we were on the same page
together. Now that we are about to leave this group of people and our hosts we have
established a connection that has been successful and we know the heart of
those we are dealing with. The Lord has placed before us a New Project that Stacey & I have
developed that we are praying about to help one of the communities we have
preached at. We know this is a group that we can trust to do what we have
before us. We will share more about this with you in the days ahead.
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