Reaching those - who would be lost in His Name to be Priest of the Lord...Isaiah 6:16

Our main purpose is to Reconcile all people to knowledge of the gift of grace and power of God in todays world for their individual lives. We will have a discipleship teaching orientation for Pastors, leaders and believers of all ages with a special focus on areas that do not get many well-known speakers including widows and orphan. Today’s calling seems to be Africa, but the Lord recent spoke to our hearts to think bigger…His is a WORLD WIDE OPERATION- and He will not lose what He died for---His people- You

Wednesday, January 21, 2015

We live by faith

For we live by faith, not by sight. – 2 Corinthians 5:7


Praise God for our new vehicle to transport us and our team throughout Uganda, Kenya, and Rwanda and wherever the Lord leads.  

Now we drive in faith.

Last year Denver did some driving in Rwanda but they drive on the right side of the road so this was his first time driving on the left.  I am actually very impressed with how the driving has gone.   

On Thursday we begin a new adventure as we drive to Katogwe with our Ugandan team.  Although we were there last year, none of us knows how to get there.  Our driver from last year is not able to travel with us because one of the girls at the orphanage (Best) has had two surgeries and will begin chemo treatment for cancer.  Our driver from last year will be driving her back and fourth to the hospital and so he is not able to go.  There are no road signs on where to turn.  Just lots of dirt roads, so we drive by faith and I’m sure the Holy Spirit will take us to where we need to go.

We have completed our time at Mukono and are excited for the great work that the Lord is doing there.  They now own about 25 of their own chairs and have begun construction on the church.  Praise the Lord. 

It was such a blessing to do the second annual soccer tournament as well as the second annual Believers Conference. We were also blessed with all of the testimonies from last year’s conference.  Our ministry travels to many locations in Africa and are only at each location for a short time so we leave in faith of the seeds that have been planted.  We heard testimonies of healings and several testimonies to how the word they received last year has changed lives.  It is amazing to hear them give specific details about what last years messages.    

The people in Mukono have become our family and it is always difficult to say goodbye but we leave in confidence that God will continue the work that He has started in them.  Now we prepare for travel to Katogwe and to see Pastor Valentine, Eunice, the 25 children that they care for, and baby Denver.  While we are there, we will be doing a village wide children’s crusade for about 250 children.  We will share a message with the children and then the children will be divided up into age groups where our team will teach them bible verses, songs, and dance.  We will feed them lunch and then spend the next couple hours playing games with them.  On Sunday, the children will present to their family some of what they have learned. 

Thank you to those who have partnered with us, both financially and in prayer.  You go where we go and are apart of everything that we do.

If you would like to donate toward the cost of feeding the children or feeding pastors during pastors training conferences, you can make a donation using paypal to the right.  We are an official 501(c)(3).

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