Reaching those - who would be lost in His Name to be Priest of the Lord...Isaiah 6:16

Our main purpose is to Reconcile all people to knowledge of the gift of grace and power of God in todays world for their individual lives. We will have a discipleship teaching orientation for Pastors, leaders and believers of all ages with a special focus on areas that do not get many well-known speakers including widows and orphan. Today’s calling seems to be Africa, but the Lord recent spoke to our hearts to think bigger…His is a WORLD WIDE OPERATION- and He will not lose what He died for---His people- You

Monday, March 11, 2013

I will not leave you comfortless South Sudan Journey concludes

Stacey asked me to add a post on our final Day in Yei South she squeezes in one final project at the end of the day.
Today,  I preached the final 3 chapels for the ages scheduled -ending with my favorite age and group.
The topic was fitting and even as our hearts have joined together over these 30 days. ..
Jesus was on the lake shore making breakfast of fish after the disciples had fished all night with no catch in their own efforts. As He prepared to ascend into heaven He served breakfast from His own catch. As they ate he said 'I am going away, however, I will not leave you comfortless.  I have defeated Satan, Death, Hell, and the grave, And All Authority is mine over heaven and earth.  I give you this power because I am going to the Father and I will ask Him to send you--A helper -The Holy Spirit. Then you will have the power to do My work here on earth -the same work I have been working and even Greater works will you do in My Name.....ask the Father and He will give you the Holy Spirit.
All things are Mine and The Holy Spirit will give them to you......”

As we conclude our visit with these blessed children, who rise up at 6 AM, and begin singing 30 minutes of praise each week day to their God and Jesus their King -we realize that we too have come to deliver our hearts message of Jesus love to those children and the adults we have shared with. As much as we would love to stay and as much as we would love to stay close to them our part is coming
to the final minutes -yet they are in the hands of Jesus,  who will continue to prepare them for His Kingdom.  Yes, we had a part in His purposes and perhaps he will guide us this way again yet we can be confident that last will use The body of Christ one member at a time to jointly fit together His Temple.  I am Blessed that I was able to share five messages one time each with 5 different age groups for a total of God 25 delivery in 21 days at this location, and 4 messages in the village of Terekeka, and 1 to the entire Terekeka group.  We had a villager send for us to come back and pray for him to receive. Jesus. Prayed for many who were sick,  and to ask for the Holy Spirit.

We have made many friends. We ventured together alone to Yei and in Terekeka among the friendly people and children's laughter.

Stacey worked with widows teaching them to sew quilts without being able to speak their language most of the time over 21 days.....when the interpreter showed up the last days somewhat into the session the widows began speaking to her and she translated to Stacey that they were so Blessed because no one had previously done a project with or spent time with them.  They Said that they did not know that they could make their own blanket. That they thought you could only buy them in the store. They said that they appreciated her and would remember her in their prayers and asked that she also would remember them. They also said to please tell her church and family back home that they appreciated them and all they had done.

Just like the day at the orphanage in Entebbe at Abba House on the way to South Sudan our work here is done for this trip. And we move on to the next mission in Uganda......How do we explain that other than a son at home in Alaska we love and miss....Jesus work and Africa could hold our hearts content??

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